# # $Id$ # %define perlvendorlib %(eval "`%{__perl} -V:installvendorlib`"; echo $installvendorlib) %define srcname MondoRescue Summary: The PBREALPKG provides a set of functions for the MondoRescue project Summary(fr): Une bibliothèque de fonction de bas niveau pour le projet MondoRescue Name: perl-MondoRescue Version: 3.3.0 Release: 1.fc26 License: GPLv2+ Group: Applications/Archiving Url: http://www.mondorescue.org Source: ftp://ftp.mondorescue.org//src/%{srcname}-%{version}.tar.gz BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{srcname}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(id -u -n) BuildArch: noarch Requires: perl >= 5.6.2,perl-ProjectBuilder,perl-Net-IPv4Addr,perl-IO-Interface, BuildRequires: perl,perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker,perl-Test %description The perl-MondoRescue provides a set of functions for the MondoRescue project %description -lfr Une bibliothèque de fonction de bas niveau pour le projet MondoRescue %prep %setup -q -n %{srcname}-%{version} %build %{__perl} Makefile.PL destdir=${RPM_BUILD_ROOT}/ CONFDIR=%{_sysconfdir} CACHEDIR=%{_var}/cache TARGET=%{_exec_prefix} make %{?_smp_mflags} %install rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT make DESTDIR=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT install find ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT} -type f -name perllocal.pod -o -name .packlist -o -name '*.bs' -a -size 0 | xargs rm -f find ${RPM_BUILD_ROOT} -type d -depth | xargs rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty %check make test %clean %{__rm} -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %files %defattr(-,root,root,-) %config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/mondorescue %doc ChangeLog INSTALL COPYING README NEWS AUTHORS %{_bindir}/* %{_mandir}/man1/* %{perlvendorlib}/* %{_mandir}/man3/* %{_mandir}/man5/* #%{_datadir}/mondorescue #%{_var}/cache/mondorescue %changelog * Sun Feb 23 2020 Bruno Cornec 3.3.0-1 - Updated to 3.3.0 - Fix mr-device-mounted (Bruno Cornec) - Fix versions given back for mr-* tools (Bruno Cornec) - mr-getparam now prints a version (Bruno Cornec) - Adds mr-mkiso script to generate the correct command to build an ISO image (Bruno Cornec) - Adds a new perl script (mr-getparam) to get parameters from mondorescue conf file (Bruno Cornec) - Adds a new perl script (mr-distro-getparam) to get parameters from mondorescue conf file based on the current distribution (Bruno Cornec) - Exit in mr-net-get-config after first network interface found (do not handle others that could be on the same network as it mixes up mondorestore.cfg) (Bruno Cornec) - Fix a compatibility issue with mr-disk-type not returning only the type of disk but a full sentence (William Montgomery) * Thu Apr 28 2016 Bruno Cornec 3.2.2-1 - Updated to 3.2.2 - Fix #785 by returning conf values when NFS server not on the same LAN as the client (Bruno Cornec) - Fix #778 by adding a mr-label tool to manage fat FS labelling and identification with uuid (Bruno Cornec) - Adds a mr-disk-type program and perl function to list all disks on the system (Bruno Cornec) * Sat Aug 29 2015 Bruno Cornec 3.2.1-1 - Updated to 3.2.1 - Adds a mr-device-mounted binary to MondoRescue (replace code of the C function is_this_device_mounted) and the corresponding perl function (mr_device_mounted) to handle cases where a mounted device has a different name than the one seen on mount (e.g. /dev/rhel/root and /dev/mapper/rhel-root) (Bruno Cornec) - Adds perl function mr_file_copy_and_erase_hash to empty the hash generated in mr_file_read_all_link and thus avoid filling the hash it generates, which is useful for a recursive function, but not when called multiple times from another perl script. (Bruno Cornec) - Fix podchecker warnings (Bruno Cornec) - Adds a Disk.pm module to centralize all disk related functions for MondoRescue (Bruno Cornec) - mr-kernel-get-modules now uses Getopt for parameter management, allowing verbosity increase (Bruno Cornec) - Fix mr_kernel_get_modules to support depmod version providing relative paths such as on RHEL5 (Bruno Cornec) - Fix mr_kernel_get_modules to support modinfo version without -k option support, using module full path instead (Bruno Cornec) - The modlist hash is now having keys being full path module names as a consequence (Bruno Cornec) - Adds a new Version.pm module to get version management a la pb in MondoRescue (Bruno Cornec) * Tue Dec 23 2014 Bruno Cornec 3.2.0-1 - Updated to 3.2.0 - First version provided under the GPL v2 of this new perl package hosting all perl functions needed by MondoRescue (Bruno Cornec) - Fix an issue for older perl version where the code was incompatible (Dider Diaz) - Adds a script mr-net-get-config to comput the network configuration and generate the appropriate portion of the configuration file (Bruno Cornec) - Adds a script mr_file_read_all_link returning a hash of hash of all links found for a given file (Bruno Cornec) - Adds a script mr-process-ldd returning all the dynamic libraries found for a given file (Bruno Cornec) - Adds a script mr-kernel-get-modules returning the list of all the full paths for all modules passed in parameters with their dependencies (Bruno Cornec) - The test function of MondoRescue is now also working for distros not having natively Test::More and avoid to depend on it (Bruno Cornec)